• Address Chennai,Uttarkand
  • Email sales@felicet.com
  • Phone 9790904987,04448520575

Establishing A Competent Infrastructure
With Robust IT Solutions.

A resilient IT infrastructure in your office allows greater stability and control over your workplace environment. From large data centers and web 2.0 organisations to cloud service providers, our specialised IT consultants work alongside your technical team to create and implement new age IT infrastructure solutions for your enterprise. At 3CDN, we push the boundaries of AV and IT to make sure your workplace infrastructure- from servers, databases, storage, network, applications to end-point devices, every component is proactively planned, monitored and supported for future use.


Data Centers

Plan an integrated data center with intelligent tech-based solutions for your server room.


Equip your workplace with high-speed internet connection and adequate bandwidth using our technical assistance.

Cabling Solutions

Build a functional IT infrastructure with custom and efficient cabling solutions for robust performance.

Test Beds & Lab Racks

Create an integrated frameworks of testbeds and lab racks for your enterprise using our new age IT infrastructure solutions.